Pizza Prizes for Guilds!

January 7th, 2015 at 2:49 am

Greetings, Card Hunters of the guild-joining variety!

Starting with the current guild season, Janizza 2015, we at Blue Manchu will finally be getting off our butts and rewarding guilds for their monthly ranked match performances. Don’t fear: past season wins won’t retroactively win anything.

Here’s how it works:


1. Every month, guilds compete for rating. More info on this can be found here, on Farbs’s Card Hunter Meta site.
2. The top three scoring guilds each season will receive pizza.
3. Pizza will be distributed in the form of vouchers to winning guild leaders.
4. Winning guild leaders can then give these vouchers to their colleagues as they see fit.

Vouchers will operate through the key system we are launching this month. (more info)

Prize Structure:

  • 1st Place: Ten $5 pizza keys, total value of $50
  • 2nd Place: Five $5 pizza keys, total value of $25
  • 3rd Place: Two $5 pizza keys, total value of $10

The prize structure is also on the season page for reference.

If you want to see who’s contributing to your guild within a given season (as opposed to all-time contribution), refer to the “Seasons” tab on your guild page. (example)

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