Having completed our massive card and item rebalance project, we’re turning our eye to the game economy – that is, how you get stuff! We’ve got lots of plans and we want to hear what you think.
Better Multiplayer Rewards
Collecting stuff and earning gold from ranked multiplayer is tough. Although the rewards are big, it takes time and it’s hard to beat other players. So, we’re going to make the rewards from ranked play better – much better. From now on, multiplayer chests will reward as follows:
That’s right, your first win of the day will net you two Rares (at least) and you’ll be guaranteed an Epic if you get six wins in a day. Even the plain ranked victory chests will contain at least one Rare (or better) item.
Phew! But, in addition to all that, we’re going to make it easier to accumulate gold from multiplayer. We know that stocking Randimar’s with more rare items and the Daily Deal have made it harder to get enough gold to buy the stuff you want, so we’re going to double the chances of finding treasure items in multiplayer chests. As you know, treasure items sell for a lot more gold than regular items, so this will give a real boost to your ability to make gold from playing multiplayer.
More For Your Pizza
Pizza is how you support the game and how we eat (well, we use it to buy things other than pizza, but you get the idea). Pizza can be spent on a variety of things, but one thing has stood out as not being particularly good value: the gold you can buy with pizza. To address, this, we’re going to double the amount of gold you get. It will now be 10 gold for every slice of pizza instead of 5.
As we do this, we’ll also need to reduce the price of the pizza chests or they will become poor value relative to gold purchases. To summarise:
- You will get 10 gold for every slice of pizza when converting (used to be 5).
- Epic chests will now cost 25 pizza (down from 50).
- Magnificent chests will now cost 5 pizza (down from 10).
Net result: pizza purchases of both gold and chests will be much better bang for the buck.
More Rewarding Quests
Quests are some of the hardest challenges in the game, but they haven’t been super rewarding. From now on, completing a quest will give you a reward identical to what you get from completing a typical adventure with the loot fairy present – that is, 2 rare or better items and 2 uncommon or better items.
Increased First-Time Adventure Rewards
This is one for new players: the first time you complete each adventure, you’ll see better loot from now on, including more treasure and a guaranteed rare or better item. That should make the first-time campaign experience a little easier and more rewarding.
The Kobolds Have Mined Out
The dim-witted kobolds have been tunnelling mightily to find treasures that you can ransack in Diamonds of the Kobolds and White Star, however, even their patience has now run out. Once this rebalance goes live, you won’t find treasure items dropping at a higher rate in these adventures. We don’t want “farming” these adventures to be hands down the best way of getting cheap gold.
The Hidden Bandit
The loot fairy randomly appears in one adventure each day and increases the rarity of each item found in that adventure chest. Because this adventure is the same for everyone, you can share this information and track down the fairy easily once someone else has. That won’t change, but now we’re also adding the extra elusive Hidden Bandit. The bandit will also appear randomly in one adventure – but that adventure will be different for every player. You’ll have to find him yourself! The Hidden Bandit will give rewards identical to the Loot Fairy, so get looking!
When Will This Happen?
We’ll be rolling these changes out to our test server soon and taking feedback, just as we did with the card and item rebalancing. So if you have input, play the rebalanced game and let us know what you think. We always want to hear from you.
September 22nd, 2014 at 4:51 pm
You’re simply the best. I’m just waiting for the spanish version of the game.
September 25th, 2014 at 3:17 am
Very cool stuff, but do the quests ever reset? I have already completed a lot of them.
September 26th, 2014 at 6:39 pm
I don’t believe i’ve, in any game i’ve played, experienced such overwhelmingly possitive changes! If Quests started giving XP (although even with them not i can think of reasons to keep it that way) then in my humble opinion there would be absolutely nothing left to improve, except maybe the ever shifting multiplayer balance and of course new content.Kudos for making such a Great game, I expect nothing but Good in what is to come!
September 26th, 2014 at 10:41 pm
Germanicus: if you want quests reset, you’ll have to contact us (email support@cardhunter.com) and we can do that for you.