
Reporting and Banning

Playing multiplayer is a great way to enjoy Card Hunter. When you play, you must agree to behave in a courteous and respectful manner to your opponents and fellow players. However, to deal with cases where this is not the case, we have introduced a reporting and banning system to Card Hunter.

From the multiplayer lobby and in multiplayer battles, you can click on another player’s name to bring up a contextual menu. Using this menu you can block that player, which means that you will no longer see chat text from them. You can also report them.

When you report another player, you issue a report to us. We will store and use this report information and may decide to issue a warning or a ban to that player.

When you choose to report, you may select a report reason. These reasons include:

  • Abusive or Offensive Behaviour: any form of behavior which could reasonably be considered to be abusive or offensive.
  • Stalling: deliberately running down the clock without playing. For example, not playing in the hope of boring your opponent and then playing your first card as the clock runs out. Stalling is NOT taking time to decide what to play next in a complicated game situation.
  • Attempting to Collude: asking you to resign or offering to resign. For example: asking you to resign as a favour or in exchange for not stalling.
  • Throwing a Match: conceding without good reason. For example, immediately conceding when the match starts before any cards have been played. Resigning is acceptable so long as a reasonable effort has been made to compete.

It is up to you to make a reasonable judgement as to these reports. You should NOT report an opponent who is attempting to win through good game-play that is within the rules and spirit of the game.

Please don’t report the same user multiple times for the same offense. One report per offense is sufficient.

It is up to us to decide what to do with reports. We may warn or ban any player based on reports we receive at our discretion.

If you believe you have been unfairly reported, warned or banned, you may email us at and we may review your case.

Remember: be respectful of your opponents and fellow players and you will have a good online experience!