Heal Preview

September 10th, 2011 at 10:43 am

OK, another simple but essential card this week.

Healing cards are the kind you never seem to have enough of when you need them. Importantly, this simple Heal card can target yourself – handy when the monster have slipped past your warrior and started laying into the priest. It can also heal at a pretty sizable range, letting your priest hang out in the back-line and rejuvenate the warriors up front, if that’s a party build you want to go for.

Healing is just one of the potential functions for a Card Hunter priest and not one that every priest build will incorporate. Some priests may choose a much more aggressive focus, others may go more for the buff/debuff route. But healing is always worth considering. We’ll look at some more complex healing cards that mix things up in a more interesting way in the future.

5 Responses to “Heal Preview”

  1. I’m failing to recall what the text that, on this card, says “Sixth Circle Charm”… does that have any significance?

  2. Go Team Cleric!

  3. Ah yes, but will it damage undead?

  4. Wounder, it’s the name of the equipment set that the card comes from.

    See the “Deck Building” post: http://www.cardhunter.com/2011/08/dev-diary-6-exploring-deck-building/

  5. Loving these previews. Neat idea to let priests go a different route than just solely healing.

    Side note: the flavor text needs quotes around it, to set off Feckle’s quotation.

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