
Oozeball is a fixed deck league where you control two oozeball players and your oozeball itself. Each monster comes with a pre-designed deck to ensure that the battles are entirely symmetric and there’s no need to do any deck-building yourself.


Oozeball is a very special type of battle, so pay attention to these special rules!

In Oozeball, you can only score points by getting your oozeball onto the victory square. Occupying the victory square with one of your two players won’t score any points! Oozeball is a violent but non-deadly sport, so you don’t have any cards in your decks that do actual damage – don’t bother trying to kill the opposing team. The whole point of oozeball is to Barge, Push or otherwise force your oozeball onto the victory square – and get your opponent’s oozeball off.


You can’t win without it, but the oozeball needs help to win. It can’t move by itself, except for the occasional Shuffle. It can defend itself though and can also lash out and push away enemy players, so it’s not entirely helpless.


Your blocker is a brawny player with plenty of short range push cards. Because the are Push rather than Push Back, you can choose where to move your ball, or your opponent’s, when you play them. That’s very handy. Get your blocker up front where they can be effective and use them to drive your opponent back.


Your thrower can move oozeballs from afar – an invaluable skill. However, they don’t have precise control over ball motion and generally have to resort to pushing oozeballs directly back. That means that positioning your thrower is key to your success.


Oozeball has small pods, with only five players per pod. That means a new pod will kick off for every five players who join and you’ll be ranked against the other four players in your pod.

Each instance of this league will be open for entries for an hour and a half and then run for another hour and a half with a maximum of four scoring games to be played in that time period (you can play more for fun and multiplayer chest rewards). To keep things moving along, each battle will only allow 10 minutes per player (instead of the normal 20 minute clock).

Here are the full deck lists for this league:






